Strategic Marketing.
Growth Strategies.
A research based approach to bring your innovation to market.
Innovation in business is the ability to separate your company from the competition and reach new markets, partners and customers. Leverage your employees, enable your culture, unleash your technology and listen to the voice of your customer. Done correctly you will find the innovation needed to drive your growth.
Northpoint has the expertise to help you accelerate the development and deployment of new innovation strategies for your business.
Leveraging best practices from leading innovation companies and think tanks, the Northpoint team has the ability to customize the innovation practices to your specific organizational requirements. The result is a faster ramp to market and turn key utilization for your internal innovation team. Key innovation acceleration activities include:
- Technology Landscape Reviews: an outside in view of the research, science, key thought leaders, intellectual property and other related content for specific technology resulting in the development of a technology scorecard.
- Market Forces: a set of recommendations developed with tools such as lead user research and ethnography. These tools enable your R&D and Innovation teams to gain a sense of a technology resonation in the marketplace and with users. This formalized approach enables your technology team to truly address root cause issues and solve problems as opposed to only managing the symptoms.
- Time to Black: a guided process that enables innovation to rapidly convert from concept to revenue producing solutions and products. This alignment process engages all the innovation stakeholders to accelerate successful product launch and sales.
Want to learn more
about the Northpoint
Innovation Acceleration
View the datasheet here.
Contact Northpoint
for more information
on our Innovation
Acceleration practice
and to schedule an
initial consultation.
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